

Chem-B-Gone™ for ANIMAL'S - 16 oz.

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Product Details

Finally a product to help remove the harmful CHEMICALS in our WATER, MEDICIATIONS, & FOOD.

Chem-B-Gone™ promotes the quality of all consumable liquids*.

Formula designed just for Animals

Did you Know Fluoride is Poisoning our Animals !

The consequences of exposure to fluoride compounds of either environmental or medicinal or may be unclear. Benefits of fluoride supplementation in animals should be considered with potential adverse effects development of teeth and bones;and possible risk for osteosarcoma in some species.

16 oz. bottle of Chem-B-gone™ will treat 800 gallons of liquids.

  1. 4 drops into your animals water (12-16 oz.).
  2. 4 - 6 drops into your animals wet food.

    Bulk 55 gallon drums available, please call for pricing.
  3. This product is Safe for Humans, Animal's, & Aliens.

    * Anything that involves using water as a base or any product that is dehydrated.

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Chem-B-Gone™ for ANIMAL'S - 16 oz.
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